Jak się SOUNDFORGE znowu zdupi

condex wrote on 6/20/2017, 1:02 PM
The very annoying elevated privileges problem has been around for years – I have it happen every 2 to 3 weeks.

The workaround was outlined on Sony’s Sound Forge forum a couple of years ago – this is what I copied at the time and use to solve the issue each time it occurs:

  • Open regedit
  • Find the key named ”HKEY_USERS\XXXXXX-XXXX_Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sony
    Creative Software”
  • Delete the key
  • Close regedit
  • Soundforge now works again

Note : in the key name above, ‘XXXXX-XXXX’ is a number which may be unique to
your machine.
The only variation I make is to only delete the ‘Sound Forge 11’ entry in the RegEdit menu in the LH menu column.
SF11 should then open as normal as it will create a new RegEdit entry. Everything will be okay until it decides to spit the dummy again in a couple or few weeks time – then just repeat the above process.
As is always the case with RegEdit editing, be very careful as there is no Undo (as far as I know). Consider first saving the entry to be deleted – just in case.
I hope that this is the solution to your SF11 problem.

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