Jak się SOUNDFORGE znowu zdupi

condex wrote on 6/20/2017, 1:02 PM
The very annoying elevated privileges problem has been around for years – I have it happen every 2 to 3 weeks.

The workaround was outlined on Sony’s Sound Forge forum a couple of years ago – this is what I copied at the time and use to solve the issue each time it occurs:

  • Open regedit
  • Find the key named ”HKEY_USERS\XXXXXX-XXXX_Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sony
    Creative Software”
  • Delete the key
  • Close regedit
  • Soundforge now works again

Note : in the key name above, ‘XXXXX-XXXX’ is a number which may be unique to
your machine.
The only variation I make is to only delete the ‘Sound Forge 11’ entry in the RegEdit menu in the LH menu column.
SF11 should then open as normal as it will create a new RegEdit entry. Everything will be okay until it decides to spit the dummy again in a couple or few weeks time – then just repeat the above process.
As is always the case with RegEdit editing, be very careful as there is no Undo (as far as I know). Consider first saving the entry to be deleted – just in case.
I hope that this is the solution to your SF11 problem.

dla takich jak ty

ja znam juz taką pieśń
dla takich jak ty
to cos nowego
wszystko rozpieprzy się
jak zawsze o skały
i utonie w morzu historii
o których się nie mówi

ja znam już takie łzy
dla takich jak ty
to nowy smak
głośno śmiej się ze mnie
i osuń się w ciemność
w starciu naszych serce
i krzywdz
i spraw mi zawód
i ból